Acupuncture Oriented Energy Work with Dr. Christian Torp – May 2016

The colleague Maike Turnbull from Australia made a very nice description of the AOE and put a film on Youtube.

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AOE 3. Acupuncture Oriented Energy Work – Foreheadpoints

AOE – Acupuncture oriented energy work. This video shows the power of the foreheadpoints. They have a big priority within the AOE treatment. The three remaining blockades after treating the specific foreheadpoint were released with a time-trip-treatment (not shown in the video because of en empty battery).

AOE 2. Acupuncture Oriented Energy work

AOE – acupuncture oriented energy work: Within the diagnosis the examination of the base of the ear is an important step. All points indicate to joint blockades as the grafics show. For the definiton of points I use the picture of the clock, left ear clockwise, right ear counterclockwise. The video demonstrates such treatment in a horse with reactive earbase points at 3 o´clock and 11.15.

AOE-Acupuncture Oriented Energy work

The Film shows the whole AOE treatment.

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